As part of our 7th Anniversary celebration, we've got two unique rifle raffles we hope you love as much as we do! First up, our custom "Let's Go Brandon" rifle: all Palmetto State Armory build using their LETSGO-15 lower with an irreverent "FJB"-themed custom Cerakote by yours truly. We had a lot of fun with this one! Keep scrolling for more pics. You can get your tickets at the shop, by phone or online through our webstore here.
Custom Cerakote, Incredible Prices. One Week Only.October 10-15, 2022 Save up to 43% vs. Standard Camo Patterns. (Save 25% vs. everyday prices.) •The full protection of Cerakote. •The artistic appeal of custom work. •The color control to create your vision. •Faster & more affordable than ever! If you’ve been wanting custom camo Cerakote without the hefty price tag, time to make your move! Here’s the deal: After 6 months of R&D, we’ve got ShadowCam™ nailed. To introduce it, and as an experiment, we’re running this special—our first ever public Cerakote sale. If it works out, we’ll do this occasionally as we perfect new techniques and patterns. If not, lesson learned and no more sales:) Fingers crossed, here we go... read on for pricing and full info.