As Manhattan residents for 16 years who have raised three kids here, we too are surveying with dismay the rapid rise in truck traffic and congestion caused by the freight centers which have opened so far. And we all know it's just begun. Even worse, we are now hearing reports from friends and neighbors that large numbers of semi's are "cutting through" local residential roads to avoid this new congestion. They roar past groups of school children waiting for their buses—in wanton disregard for speed and weight limits. Below: Rural Texas county roads are suffering from all the oil and gas truck traffic, prompting demands for action by lawmakers. From The Texas Tribune.
At GCG, we don't know what the big-picture solutions are, but we do have an idea we believe is a step in the right direction: Document this. Document how many trucks are illegally taking our roads each day. Document, if possible, their drivers, license plates or other identifying information. Then, release that information—to enforcement agencies, police departments and the public. If this can be empirically proven to be the problem that it anecdotally appears to be, there must be some recourse.
To help our neighbors in this effort, we ordered some high-quality trail cameras that we will loan out for documenting this truck traffic. These are 20-megapixel resolution, 1080p HD video, with an Infrared flash range of 100 feet, 80 foot sensor range and a .3 second trigger time. We expect them to reliably capture images of not only the truck traffic, but also clear identifying information--license plate numbers, drivers, or at least company names depending on placement options. We'll run trials starting September 7th on a local road. Every two weeks, we'll collect all the footage into a central database and move the cameras to other locations as needed. This information will be publicly available to anyone who asks, and will be passed along to enforcement agencies as appropriate. If it makes sense, we'll post on the web as well. Please contact us if you would like a camera to set up near your home, or if you are part of group that could use the information we gather. We're happy to help. —Jeffrey & Paula Gibbs
Kevin Fromer
9/1/2018 06:31:26 pm
I don't need a camera (yet) as I'm just 3 houses off if Manhattan/Monee Road in town, but I just want to commend you on this remarkable offer and effort. This is outstanding! Thank you for contributing to your community and for being such an AWESOME neighbor!
Sharla DeRosa
9/1/2018 07:08:55 pm
Wow. This is outstanding! I commend your efforts! What a truly good neighbor you are.
John Kieken
9/2/2018 10:19:09 am
What Kevin said. Great work! Please add Hoff Rd, between Gougar Rd and Route 52, to your list. This road has weight limits and is only tar & chip. It seems to be a popular way from Rt 52 to Rt 53 for trucks that are either lost or taking a shortcut. The intersection of Hoff & Walsh facing west might be the perfect spot.
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